Friday 29 June 2012

Always learning~

Things I've learned in the past six months:

-Rabbit is tasty, and easier to raise than chicken. Go figure. But store-bought is way too expensive. Raising your own is definitely the way to go. I hope to get some New Zelands sometime soon. Haven't decided on if I'm going with the Whites, or maybe if I can find them... broken Reds. I've learned how to slaughter (but haven't done it yet), butcher, and cook rabbit... and I'm proud of it!

-Baking bread isn't as hard as I thought, but does require being patient as well as having the right ingredients. I've never been a baker, so baking is definitely new territory for me.

-Making soap isn't that hard. All you need is wood ash, water, and tallow to make the most basic form. And now I know how to make laundry detergent for next to nothing too! You just need a bar of solid laundry soap, borax, and laundry soda (and I guess a natural scent extract if you wanna get fancy)!

-You can make butter from goat's milk (it's not just good for cheese!). I'm pretty much sold on getting at least two dairy goat x's, when I have room for a goat shed and a nice area to fence off for them that is.

-Canning can be fun (I remember spending summer days making jam with my mother growing up, didn't seem that much fun back then). *laughs*

-True cast iron cookware is hard to find... and I really want a 5 quart dutch oven. Might have to look into buying online.

-Getting a fishing license is easy, and affordable! Next year I will be getting a sportsman one so I can keep and eat a few of what I catch. Assuming I get good enough to catch anything! *laughs*

I'm sure there's more but it's late and I'm exhausted!

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