Monday 20 May 2013

Tragedy on the Windowsill...

Unfortunately one of the pots of basil fell to it's doom this morning. :(

Thankfully, the pot that fell was the one not doing that well, so I still have the one flourishing pot remaining. I've been harvesting the basil one snip here, one snip there, for the past week or two from that pot. Storing the snipped tips in the fridge (in a ziplock bag) until they can be used or dried. It's so much fun watching something grow from a seed to something that ends up in your fridge!

I lost the rosemary last month as well. It did really well for a while, then suddenly died and dried up. So no rosemary this year (unless I buy a plant at a nursery or something). I'm thinking of replacing it with some Lemon Thyme if I can find any. It's my absolute favorite herb of them all. It's just hard to predict who'll have it from one year to the next.

Oh well. That's the way gardening goes. Ya win some, ya loose some.
The Surviving Basil

Oh, and in other news. The Golden Wax Beans I planted two months ago are growing well. Three out of five beans sprouted (actually it was four out of five but one was all weird and I pulled it out). When it starts flowering, I'll hand pollinate and see what happens. :)

Golden Wax Beans!

Lastly, I recently picked up an old Oil Lamp for FREE at a garage sale. It's got no glass on top, needs a new wick, needs a bit of a scrub, but otherwise looks to be in great shape. There are at least five "antique" shops across from where I live, as well as stores that sell lamp oil, so I'm sure I'll be able to replace the glass easy enough. So exciting!

First Oil Lamp!

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