Friday 6 July 2012

Vegetable Garden List.

 I'm a firm believer in "Grow what you eat, and eat what you grow."

Here's a list of plants I am currently growing, and plants I plan on growing in the future (when I have more space).

-Corn (heirloom varieties).
-Butternut Squash.
-Gourds (Chinese water bottle and long-handled dipper mostly).
-Herbs like Rosemary, thyme, and Basil.
-Green Beans.

What you will NOT find in my garden:

-Peppers of any type.
-TOMATOES (no thanks!).
-Cucumbers (except for pickling cucumbers maybe).

Why? Because there's no point in using space in the garden for items you rarely, or never eat. I hate peppers and asparagus, and eat cucumbers and cabbage so rarely, they're not worth taking up space to grow...

Grow what you eat. And eat what you grow!!

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